Right now, the overarching trend in bags is everything optimistic and fun. It’s not the shape that makes a bag a must-have anymore. Instead of specific silhouettes, it’s all about the vivacious and expressive. Think details that catch the eye for bags that are personality-driven and tell a story – so you can tell your own story with your bag. What’s not to love about that?!
I had such a fun time today shopping for jewels and lunching with longtime girlfriends, along with a few new ones. I need these kinds of days; we all need these days, when we keep things light, let out steam about our husbands and kids, and get just plain silly.
It’s time for another roundup of my favorite man bags, the ones that have recently inspired me. Not only to do some shopping for the men in my life, but to get in touch with my tomboy side. Minimal and functional, sensible and stylish: they’re all about simplicity.