Right now, the overarching trend in bags is everything optimistic and fun. It’s not the shape that makes a bag a must-have anymore. Instead of specific silhouettes, it’s all about the vivacious and expressive. Think details that catch the eye for bags that are personality-driven and tell a story – so you can tell your own story with your bag. What’s not to love about that?!
Nobody over the age of 12 gets everything they want for Christmas, right? Well, the best part of this time of year is the fact that everything is on sale – so we can go get what we want for ourselves! It’s almost a crime against the season to pass up on these crazy steals. At least you can tell yourself that, in case you’re in need of something rationalizing. Here is my list of the best bargains right now on things I’ve been wanting all year long…
Let’s think ahead for a minute. The party season is coming up and that may even include end of summer events. The point is, you need to start looking for evening party bags.
Oh, Karl. Love him or hate him, at the end of the day, you still kind of have to love him.