I don’t care how many you own; you can still never have enough basic shoulder bags that get you through the day without fuss. That being said, there’s nothing standard about the latest Zagliani bag.
I had such a fun time today shopping for jewels and lunching with longtime girlfriends, along with a few new ones. I need these kinds of days; we all need these days, when we keep things light, let out steam about our husbands and kids, and get just plain silly.
Be honest – do you find this bag repulsive, intriguing, or gorgeous? Or maybe all three? No matter how you feel about it, something that automatically forces so many emotional states has its merits. You have to give it that.
This is just what you need for the fall season: a small (but not too petite) top-handle box that is equal parts adorable, chic, and sophisticated, all wrapped up into one neat package.
I knew it was only a matter of time until my girl Jill Haber was going to wow and woo me again, but here is something unexpected…