These street style bags are creating trends! We’ve got tiny bags, novelty designs, and furry creations.
Bags are the only accessories that can truly multitask (other than shoes, which make for pretty handy bug exterminators when the occasion arises). The oversize pouch is the “it” clutch if there was ever such a thing, which is exciting because that allows you to justify investing in a luxe laptop case (finally!).
From the low to the high, you absolutely must get a backpack if you don’t already have one. But there’s one major rule that comes with the territory: you must steer clear of looking like a schoolgirl (unless, of course, you’re trying to look like a schoolgirl, but that’s a story for a different day).
This is one of those uniquely subtle bags that could be the work of a new and still-unknown designer – or the creation of one of your favorite design house’s chic little sister. Don’t let the good looks of McQ Alexander McQueen’s black leather clutch fool you: this one’s all about function (but obviously not without style and edge).
Walking around the NYU campus provides you with a lot of hilarious, insightful, or plain quintessential college conversations. Lately though, internships and jobs have been a popular topic – and more importantly, what to wear to an interview.
I’ve been eying the Chanel Boy since it first came out; I just haven’t been able to pull the trigger, as I’ve been over-thinking it (a twist on a classic, does it read too trendy?). But now there’s this version. The Chain bag.