There are bags that make a statement, and then there are bags that MAKE a statement. The trend that takes the meaning literally makes for kitschy fun, and it also makes things clear: your bag is more than just a mere fashion accessory.
Although the immediate response to this piece is, “Cute but juvenile,” as it is with many things Charlotte Olympia, this actually works. On a big, serious bag, Charlotte’s now-trademark kitty cat mug wouldn’t feel right. But a mini bag, meant for fun times? I say why not.
Now is as much the time to stock up on cute wedges as it is the time to collect winter coats. Why? Because you should be leaving those bulky jackets behind and hopping on a cruise! When I know I have a seafaring adventure on the horizon, the first thing I shop for is the perfect wedge.
Feeling like things look a little dull now that holiday festivities are on their last leg? There’s nothing like the perky colors of the rainbow to enliven your wardrobe, and there’s nothing like a great new pair of shoes to make you see things from a whole new angle.
Not sure what to get the Zooey Deschanel in your life? Whimsy-infused clutches make cute gifts for girls with the personalities to match, and some are even marked down right now (no real surprise there)! On the other hand, there are bags that require investments so steep they take the fun out of it…
Just as wearable as they are exciting, these rainbow woven sandals from Charlotte Olympia speak to my fun-spirited side while still being serious enough for daily wear.