If you love a bag and carry it all the time, it’s only inevitable that your favorite accessory will get dirty. You might as well prepare yourself now, and the best prep is carrying one of The Handbag Spa’s individually packaged, disposable wipes. I tested them out on different leathers – smooth calf and soft nappa.
These days most of us have our phones in hand at all times, making the need to properly accessorize them a must. While you could always go with classic black, Grove knows that personalization is the truest luxury.
I’ve been eying the Chanel Boy since it first came out; I just haven’t been able to pull the trigger, as I’ve been over-thinking it (a twist on a classic, does it read too trendy?). But now there’s this version. The Chain bag.
Genius is taking something simple and making it look fresh, and Alber is certainly skilled at that. The bag’s name pretty much says it all. I have, in fact, been looking for a new easy shopper for those crazy days when I somehow end up with packages falling out of my car. It has room enough for emergency flats, iPads, documents, kids’ snacks, etc.
We’ve reached that time of year when the sun sets earlier and earlier, and the temperatures just keep on dropping. To combat our fall ennui, Shopbop is offering 25% off every order now through October 17th (certain designers are excluded). And that includes East Dane, so if you want to get some early holiday shopping done for the men in your life, today’s the perfect day.
For those of us with storage limitations (and that would be everyone – I live in the suburbs, and my closet is still bursting!), Lipault Paris’ foldable carry on is perfection in a bag. The lightweight luggage folds up flat, making it easy to store under a bed or tuck away at the edge of a closet. I have duffels that flatten, but you really want a structured carry on to protect your belongings.