As a celebrity esthetician with practices in Dallas, LA and NY, one of the most frustrating concerns of my clients is dealing with acne, as well as adult acne. It can be very frustrating because when a blemish finally heals, you’re left with a red or dark scare that can linger for months.
Hot weather, salt water, humidity, chlorine and vacation travel all take their toll on our skin during the summer months. As a celebrity esthetician, here are some of my favorite summer skin care tips and solutions for keeping your skin safe and beautiful all summer long.
You’ve always heard how drying an airplane can be to the skin and you probably have felt it on your skin when flying…
I recently returned from a trip to Europe where I attended Paris Beauty Week in France, an amazing trade show featuring new innovations in skin care ingredients and technology – a true playground for this esthetician and skin care expert!
After 25 years of working hands-on with clients as an esthetician, I think I’ve heard a lot. For the most part, people generally practice good skin care habits, but once in a while I’ll be taken aback by the things I see or hear during my facials.
Our recent survey shows that 47% of participants do not wash his or her face every night. As a skin care expert and esthetician, I find this to be a surprisingly high percentage–especially considering how many of these individuals know that facial cleansing, before climbing into bed, is vital to maintaining healthy skin.