Snob Essentials

Aging is in the Genes


Researchers at Stanford University found a gene that causes aging. What this means is that this gene can be blocked and ……. no more wrinkles!!! In the study, the wrinkly skin of the aging mouse reverted back to young skin after 2 weeks of blocking the gene in the basal layer of the skin (which is the lowest and most active layer). They are still 5-10 years from human trials so don’t stop using your sunblock just yet. Dermatologists agree that most aging is caused by sun exposure so I suppose that is the easier way to go. But think about it, in 20 years when we all will need age reversal, this will be something that could save us from the knife and needle!! Although, I’m sure this process involves some sort of needles. Researchers have said that this will not prolong life but will help with certain aging related illnesses. In any case, this is exciting news. But as always, we advocate using products that will prevent us from having to resort to any of this!! Click to see the video clip of the news story on NBC. So keep reading Beauty Snob for the latest and greatest on beauty products to avoid high tech biological gene therapy, which is always a little scary.



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