Update: Congratulations to Whitney for guessing Amy Winehouse. Really, I know she’s going through a lot right now and I could forgive messy hair due to distraction, but I’m pretty sure this is intentional!
Whoa! I am really curious how she gets her hair to be this disgusting. Does she add mud, twigs and yesterday’s lunch on top of the hair grease from the obvious lack of washing? I don’t even think she uses hairspray, it just stands up from the dregs accumulated over time. Who is this popular singer who also should visit a make-over rehab?
Leave your answer in comments! We will randomly select one winner from all the correct answers that are left in comments by 11:59 PM EST today.
Week 2 Nov 12th – Nov 16th
Daily – T3 Plump ($38) and Boost ($38) products
Friday Nov 16th bonus- T3 Featherweight Blowdryer ($200) and Duality Iron ($160).
amy winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Ugh…Amy Winehouse.
Amy Winehouse!
amy winehouse
amy winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse … she needs the T3 makeover
amy winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winhouse
Amy Winehouse.
Amy Winehouse
AMY WINEHOUSE! her music is so amazing, she is so incredibly talented, i really hope she pulls it together before she wastes all her potential.
Amy Winehouse
The nasty, nasty Amy Winehouse. Ugh!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy whinehouse
amy winehouse!
amy winehouse
amy winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse.
and the disgusting ball of crap on the top is a wig 😉
Amy Winehouse.
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse, although I think her makeup/eyeliner is more disturbing than her hair
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
britney spears
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Whinehouse – yuck!
amy winehouse of course
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse!
(btw, i love all your descriptions. they are delightful)
Amy Winehouse
Amy “Wino” Winehouse
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse?
amy winehouse
Amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse (No, no no!)
Amy Winehouse!
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse the singer
amy winehouse
amy winehouse!!!!
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
wrong email address last time
amy winehouse
Yucky! That’s gotta be Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse!
amy winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Haha! I was reading the BBN feed, and I only read up to “Does she add mud, twigs and yesterday’s lunch on top…” and I just knew that you must be talking about Amy Winehouse. No pic required! Hilarious! 🙂
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
It’s scary druggie husband slashing “No No No” to rehab singer Amy Winehouse! Please send her some shampoo and some makeup tips. Someone needs to tell her that the crack-whore heroin-chic look is NOT sexy.
Its Amy Winehouse. Woohoo! I’m feeling lucky!
Amy Winehouse….gross hair agreed
Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
can we get some updates on who won?