Snob Essentials

Kose Daily Pop Quiz #7

UPDATE: Congrats to Elaine- this is Kate Middleton!


She’s the girl everyone thinks they want to be but seriously, who would want the pressure? Like all fantasies, they are better left as fantasies. Besides, I think she broke up with her fairy tale love. So who is this beauty deserving of holding the Star of Africa?

Leave your answer in comments. Game Rules here. First person to get it right will win the Kose Sekkisei Brightening Mask! Good luck!

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  1. OK, I know that I can’t win because I am on the wrong side of the ocean, but still as I never know the answer I feel an “oh, pick me miss, please miss, pick me” moment coming on. So, as it’s the Friday of a particularly crappy week, I am going to succumb to it and say that Mystery Girl #7 is Kate Middleton.

  2. Hey Beauty Snobs, wonderful site, but I’d suggest that for future Pop Quizzes, it would be interesting and promote diversity to feature more women of color. There are a ton of (semi-) famous beauties out there of East Asian, South Asian and African descent with equally gorgeous skin and features! It might make the Pop Quizzes a little harder to guess, but that would just make it all the more fun 😉