Snob Essentials

Valentino Studded Leather Bag: Whoa, Nelly.


I think we need to pump the brakes Valentino.

This bag reminds me of the time I thought to myself, “Self, you should paint, because you are kind of creative and it can’t be that hard and you will be famous.”

$100 later in art supplies later, I sat down and painted a tree. It looked okay, but it needed a little something more. So I added a fence, then some nice horses hanging out near the tree, then birds flying around the tree. Then I decided it was autumn and the leaves had to be 500 colors. Before I new it, I had taken a perfectly good tree and demolished it with clutter.

That’s how I feel about this bag. They take a perfectly pretty creation that is a great color, sensible size and adorable shape, and completely cover it up with studs.

As I’ve said before, studs are the bomb dot com, but as an accent. Not so many that it takes away from the overall appearance of what you’re wearing. When you look at the Valentino studded leather bag you don’t see a pretty purse, you just see hardware. So much so, that I am beginning to form constellations in my mind with studs.

The weird thing is, I bet with a select few outfits, this could be pulled off, but not on a regular basis. It’s too much I say, too much!

To sum up, there is no need to clutter a good looking bag. Also, painting is hard, and I am not good at it. Lesson learned.

Net-a-Porter for $1,595.


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  1. Valentino really seems to want to make this bag their signature, what with so many version of this style. I don’t like any of them. I didn’t like it when they had the studs only on the shoulder, and I definitely don’t like it now. Slob.

  2. Okay. Well, color me tacky because I kinda like it. I don’t know what it is, but I wouldn’t mind owning one of these. But I also have a silver and pink metal mesh bag that I sometimes wear to work as a teacher.

  3. This bag is amazing. It’s dazzling. You really have to see it in your hands, hold it up to a mirror, clutching it and everything you thought about it would change. The picture makes it seem flat and dull with a little racy bumps thrown in.

    The studded shoes are the same. I prefer the version I can’t find which is the studded ballerina in a flat. But once you see them on, you are hooked. They are so beautiful on. I just love the fact that it’s a very lady like purse with these insanely beautiful shiny gold studs. Love.