This is the Terminator Siamese twin clutches. They are two smaller clutches stuck together to make a bigger circus freak of a bag. Separately, they would make cute clutches or even cuter coin purses but as an ensemble, they should have named it the Koo-Koo bag. I suppose it is different but in a way that is trying so hard that it becomes absurd. Conceptually, the two separate compartments might come in handy, one side for cosmetics and the other for money and cards but that incremental convenience is not worth looking like a fool. At Net-a-Porter for $1530, a high price to pay to be mistaken for a crazy person.
Maybe it was an accident during assembly.
Yet another bag from another brand that makes me sick. Is this some kind of a joke or what?
Maybe during assembly it got super glued together by accident and someone had a lightbulb moment.
Fraternal twins are all the rage, why not carry it over to bag!?!
Really strange. Hard to believe anyone would buy this.
One word for this mess, schizophrenia!
I will call it a freak accident during conception 🙂
For my opinion this one is a ‘little redone’
One thing came to my mind when I saw this…W.T.F.
was just in Paris and saw this 2 bag thang in different materials. My bag snob daughter and I thought it was odd looking indeed and did not see anyone in Paris carrying it!