Snob Essentials

Hermès Blind Stamp Guide: The Signs of Greatness

Hermès Blind Stamps

Here is a handy guide on how to read the year stamps on Hermès items:

No Shape 



1945 A1971 A1997 A
1946 B1972 B1998 B
1947 C1973 C1999 C
1948 D1974 D2000 D
1949 E1975 E2001 E
1950 F1976 F2002 F
1951 G1977 G2003 G
1952 H1978 H2004 H
1953 I1979 I2005 I
1954 J1980 J2006 J
1955 K1981 K2007 K
1956 L1982 L2008 L
1957 M1983 M2009 M
1958 N1984 N2010 N
1959 O1985 O2011 O
1960 P1986 P2012 P
1961 Q1987 Q2013 Q
1962 R1988 R2014 R
1963 S1989 S2015 T (no square)
1964 T1990 T2016 X (no square)
1965 U1991 U 
1966 V1992 V 
1967 W1993 W 
1968 X1994 X 
1969 Y1995 Y 
1970 Z1996 Z 

The stamp will also feature the artisan’s ID and an indicator of exotic skins (if applicable) – “square” for alligator, “..” for Niloticus crocodile, “˄” for Porosus crocodile, and “-“ for lizard.



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  1. I’ve been a long time follower on your Instagram and most recently discovered your site. This is a brilliant post for all Hermes lovers, thank you! You’re truly an expert.

  2. Priceless information. I’ve recently discovered your Instagram account and now I follow your blog too on Bloglovin’. This post is one of the best blog posts ever. We can finally decipher more about this coveted item. Thank you, Tina!

    1. You’re most welcome! I’m so thrilled everyone has taken time to not only read it but appreciate all the info. xx Tina

  3. Tina, I’ve been fanSnob for many years and always appreciate the care and attention you give to your topics. You drill down, analyze, organize and synthesize the material presenting it in a format useful to your readers … and you make it look so easy! It’s not … your expertise and elegance in delivery are much appreciated.

  4. I love this info, but I just recently came across a Kelly bag, and would like to know if it is authentic. Do any of the Kelly bags have material lining on the
    inside with Hermes Paris on it ? I can’t seem to find any stamps on it, and it has gold coverings on back and front of the straps that closes the bag, from
    other pictures I’ve seen the gold coverings are only on the front and the back of it is where the stamp should be, can you help me with this.
    Thank you !

  5. I have a Hermes Evelyne III Clemence Handbag and it has 75A under the tab. All the characteristics, labels etc. signify that it is an authentic bag, but I don’t see this type of serial number listed, then again this bag is more current.,