I don’t care how many you own; you can still never have enough basic shoulder bags that get you through the day without fuss. Other styles may tempt and taunt, but once you wizen up you realize the semi-simple, standard shoulder bag is the way to go. (That is, when you’re not carrying everything but the kitchen sink.)
But honestly, there’s nothing standard about Zagliani’s latest. Named Liberty, I’m assuming it’s been christened in reference to the hands-free liberation it delivers, along with ample interior organization to further your ease of use. Liberation aside, this bag is gorgeous. Eggplant-gray python looks good enough to eat, and the dainty yet resilient gold chain-strap glistens in the light, hammering the sense of luxury home. I’m equally drawn to it in rubberized black python but for different reasons: the matte texture is perfect for girls who want something less feminine and equally decadent for their daily lives. Smooth magenta leather lining brightens the mood each time you open it up, for an instant little pick-me-up.
Like all of Zagliani’s pieces, it’s handmade in Italy, but this time, they’re offering a sense of freedom with effortless exotic style. They prove no matter how pragmatic the design, you don’t need to compromise on indulgence. And who really wants to compromise, anyway? Zagliani python bag available in classic python, $3,100, and rubberized python, $3,150, at Barneys New York.
Pair with: Wear another luxurious take on a basic, like J. Brand’s mid-rise jeans in sapphire-blue velvet. On My Theresa for $337.