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Casabella: The Neon Collection


I hate cleaning; in fact I hate it so much that more often than not I have a cleaning lady come over when I really have no justification for it ( is awesome and they can send people with cleaning supplies…just saying!). I know, I know…who really likes to clean? But I get guilty feelings paying people to do things I can easily do myself so I knew that I had to do something to motivate myself to not be so damn lazy! The first step to getting serious about cleaning my apartment myself is getting supplies that actually look appealing (while my apartment is large, it’s still a studio so I will actually be seeing these…), but also are easy to use – enter the Casabella neon collection. They’ve got all the basics that need no instructions like scrubbers, brooms, dustpans, and Swiffer-like sweepers, but they look chic! Or at least as chic as cleaning supplies can be and all of that while being pretty inexpensive. There’s something about having these on full display near my bathroom that makes me feel like I have no excuse but to quickly sweep and scrub (and honestly they really do look “cute” enough that I’m not embarrassed to have them out) – that is until I splurge on an iRobot’s Scooba and Roomba (which if you have tried, please let me know your thoughts in the comments!).

How do you motivate yourself to do a tedious task like cleaning your home?

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