Let’s be real: we all want to have it all, and we demand the same standards of all-ness when it comes to our bags. While no one bag can serve every purpose for every occasion (cue the Five Essentials!), the perfect bag has a little bit of everything you need. So when you strike upon one that also has a lot of everything you want, it’s time to quickly pull out your credit card.
Like right now. Jimmy Choo has hit the right notes with their Ally shoulder bag. From a function point of view, it’s got it all: the right size (big enough without being big), an uncomplicated flap (which means no closure, which means easy access), a zipper along the opening in case you need more security (options!), and the strap is that just-right length so it stays snug without slipping off.
Even without that plethora of features, I would buy this bag based on looks alone. Instead of your typical embellished flap, Jimmy’s reversed it, serving up a fully studded body. The asymmetrical flap gives it just a nudge towards edgy territory, and the finishing touches, like the corner hardware and the way the chain strap is attached, are spot on. Jimmy Choo Ally at Luisa via Roma for $1,795.
Pair with: Wood you dare? Proenza Schouler’s Toledo sandal puts a crazy-cool spin on the whole wooden shoe idea, with a heel that’s high and blonde and straps of sparse, clean leather. On Farfetch for $1,020.