There is something to be said about a bag for all times, one that fits all your snob criteria. This is the bag made for busy woman who refuses to sacrifice elegance. Timeless and not trendy, Rochas’ large leather handbag is a basic, beautiful classic.
A few moments with it and you can see the quality is pretty much unsurpassed. It’s constructed of deerskin, which is amazingly soft and durable. It’s also immune to moisture so you can get it wet (although I don’t really recommend doing that on purpose). The only issue is that such soft skin threatens to lose its shape, but then again, this is a structured tote that it promises to hold nicely. If we were talking about the hobo style instead, I would be concerned. The stud-trimmed panel makes for a pleasing focal point, but it’s the gorgeous quality and flawless stitching that make it for me.
On Shopbop for $2,075.
Pair with: A pair of pearly floral-jacquard pants, courtesy of Michael van der Ham, will pick up on the contrasting studs and maintain the air of elegance.
On Net-a-Porter for $920.