Louboutin has finally done something right with bags! Not to be so harsh but even his ok bags were just forgiven because he is so fabulous but this is a bag that makes sense and is indeed fab without any bias. We all love a glittering shiny metallic but there are times when it’s not appropriate and you need a nice neutral bag. This tote is reversible and instead of having his signature red interior, the flip side is a pebbled leather in beautiful nude. He still included his signature red with a removable pouch, which is much appreciated for its boldness, as well as, convenience. The belted detail has been ingeniously designed, it can be re-threaded so when you reverse it, it will always look like the right side is out (unlike some reversibles that look odd when flipped on the “wrong” side). There are 3 notches to give it a genuine belt look although I’m not sure cinching this would be a good idea. There is nothing better than a smart bag that works for you. More of the same to come from Mr. Louboutin I hope!! At Saks Fifth Avenue for $1395. Which is only $695.50 since each side is a bona fide bag of it’s own =)