This bag is retro fabulous. The Bally Christa color-block bag is tan, navy and red leather with a chain shoulder strap. Its gold hardware adds an element of sophistication and elegance to the overall look of the piece and would be a perfect bag to grab for any day of the week. I would jump into some Michael Kors high-waisted wool pants and a blouse by Malene Birger and grab this bag and head to the office. Though this little guy is compact (think large wallet with a strap), it packs a useful punch with its two internal compartments, a zip middle and push lock fastening. If you are looking for a fall bag that you can wear with almost everything and won’t get in your way, look no further!
Net-a-Porter for $1,250.
The bag is cute but for some reason the flap reminds me of the Gucci stripes and I can’t unsee this.