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Emma’s 3 Day Blue Print Cleanse


This was my first cleanse ever. I had tried several times to go on all juice diets before and they all turned out the same; me, facedown in a pizza by noon the same day.

The Blue Print Cleanse was totally different. Their motto is, “We think, you drink” which simplifies the nutrition factor of doing one of these. Although I am a rookie at cleanses, I did level 2, the Foundation cleanse, not because I wanted to, but because I think I ordered it wrong. I have to admit, I was nervous before starting. I prepared as they told me, eating fruits and veggies the days leading up to the big C, however, I did sneak a chocolate or two in the night before because it was Valentines Day… I know, I know…weak.

Day one was hard. I felt a bit shaky, the green juice was brutal, and

I thought there was a possibility that I may be found in a rumpled heap

under my desk come 5pm, but I soldiered on. This was a mission, and I

wasn’t about to puss out on it. Walking past those left-over chocolates

was hard, but I just threw back the cashew milk (delicious) and called

it a day. Day two was easier, and by 6 pm I was ready to hit the gym as

usual and even found myself working out for longer. By day three I

literally felt like Iron Man and was walking around smugly while people

surrounding me were chained to their daily routine of bagels, muffins

and take out. Solid food? Pansies. I didn’t need food; I needed juice.

Even the thick, scary, hard to swallow, made me want to gag on contact, I

feel like I’m eating pond scum, green juice. I drank, drank and drank

some more. When I woke up the morning after my three day cleanse, I

wasn’t craving junk, I had zero bloating and I had lost 4 pounds (water

weight girls, don’t go nuts, but still was nice) not to mention, I felt

energized, clear and ready to start the day.

On to some of the gory details: Though I eat salads and celery and

other green things that are good for me, I never got used to the green

juice. I had my friends at work who are foodies/very organic loving

people try it and they actually really liked it. I still felt like I was

guzzling seaweed even on day three. Not easy, but very filling. There

is language on the website that says this cleanse tends to bind people

up (if you know what I mean). Total opposite for me (if you know what I

mean) which could have contributed to the weight loss. TMI? Sorry, just

want to give it to you straight.

Tips for future cleansers:

Final thoughts: Do it. I’ve already recommended this to my friends

because it was that awesome. On day three I felt so energized and

healthy and I’ve found I am eating smarter than ever. The cleanse also

opened my eyes about how the food I was consuming was affecting my

body. On the cleanse- zero bloating/gas/ stomach aches, then once I

re-introduced food I had some of these symptoms come back. I always

thought I might have a touch of a gluten allergy like my father, now I’m

positive I do. Use this cleanse to reboot your engine and start

thinking/feeling and eating healthier for the long term. If the three

day looks a little too pricey for you, I totally think the one day would

still be beneficial to kick start you into a healthier diet. Read all

about it on the FAQ page and try it today @!

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