When I first looked at this bag, I thought it still had packaging wrapped around it. The interruption of the lilac leather with the white is a bit startling at first, but like most things Proenza Schouler does, it schmoozed me into loving it.
This bag is exciting. The contrasted leather is confusing, but ends up being eye-catching and different. The canvas shoulder strap is removable and combined with the stripes, gives the bag a casual, sporty feel. This bag is a little long for me to wear without the canvas strap, but I still think it would be a great day bag for running errands, taking in a polo match, or heck, even playing tennis. Sporty bags aren’t always an easy sell, but for those of you who spend a lot of time around athletics… or athletes… this little tomboy could come in handy!
Though the $1,275 price tag may stop some from taking the sporty bag plunge, you can decide for yourself at Barney’s.
This bag doesn’t even make sense. It looks like it has an Ace bandage wrapped around it. I can see it being on the markdown table at 75% off and still be sitting there.
Very classy, that could be used on court.
The Tennis Emporium
Can PS do wrong? I love this– I think it has a sophisticated quirkiness. Though, I do agree that it’s a little long to wear without the strap.
Ugly !