This tote is pretty boss. It is made of super soft deerskin, has a casual shape, and is nice and roomy for all tote-able things. The leather is off-white enough as to not show every single thing the bag happens to come in contact with and the delicate look of the handles makes it possible to lug around things while still looking chic. Oh, and the inside is lined with suede. Not bad.
My problem with this is that it is magnetic top closure. I know this comes in handy for a lot of normal, day to day totes, but one like this I would prefer zip-top. I mean good god, this tote is $2,680. If you can spend that much on a tote, what valuables might you put in it? Diamonds? Golden bricks? A limited edition of Twilight autographed by the entire cast and kissed by R Patz himself? I could just see someone’s sly little hand slipping into this baby and stealing my goodies… like my wallet, iPod or, god forbid, my handy wipes (the horror!). Though this tote is all things fabulous (minus the magnetic closure) and would look just peachy on your trip out to visit friends on the weekend for some Scattegories and cinnamon buns, I think I’ll have to skip it. I would be too concerned for the safety of my belongings, and the price tag makes my knees weak.