Looking for the perfect office holiday party shoe? These Louboutin’s at Shoe Snob are the ultimate power shoes.
Fab Gift Guide: The Exotic Friend Abroad at FabSugar.
If you touch and feel how so heavenly soft these are, you will understand why these lounge sets are an absolutely MUST for your little one at Tot Snob.
These Yoga Toes at Beauty Snob will stretch the toes after a long day on your feet, realign your foot posture and treat foot pain.
The Budget Fashionista has the Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals: CVS.
As seen on Gossip Girl and Jewel Snob, Carla Reiter’s collection is entirely handmade and a great gift for the holidays!
The Recessionista Blog tells you how to Snag the Perfect Black Heel For Just $16!
Have you noticed how expensive leather jackets are this season? Thank god for this Michael by Michael Kors jacket at Couture Snob.