Prada usually misses with their novelty bags but this is one that I love so much that I might get for Spring. The bag itself is linen but the python accents and the shocking lime green trim is so amazing. The colors pop and contrast, the whole thing just works together magically. The only change I would make, if I had a choice, is the braided handle – it’s too thick. That knot is unnecessary, too. Well, I didn’t say it was perfect =) The interior is lined in lambskin in case you thought they were skimping with the linen. This is a tiny ladies who lunch bag at 10″ x 7″, it makes it cute and palpable for most in the this size but I would LOVE to see it in a giant tote version!! The straps can stay the same size and then it will be perfect!! At Saks Fifth Avenue for $1895.