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What’s It – Saves the Trip


Every once in a while you find a toy that is as simple as it is mesmerizing and engaging. But never had I seen a toy that is all that and a life saver when traveling. I picked up a couple of these on a whim at the checkout line of a toy store on the 2nd day of my 20 day trip. This toy single handily was responsible for keeping both my tots quiet and happy through long car rides, ferry trips and connecting flights on both round trip flights. The best feature of this toy is that it’s one piece so things don’t drop/go missing and it does not require batteries (which means they can play through takeoff and landing). It is truly amazing to see them hard at work at new configurations and the creativity of play. In the bottom photos, one is of a dog (or dragon or the Lockness monster) and the other is incorporated into play of Cinderella’s infamous staircase. My tots also made tables and chairs for their small animals and dolls but the possibilities are really endless. The design is really ingenious, the pieces can go in many different directions – but it is also its limitations that make it a puzzle to flex their brain muscles. I highly highly recommend spending the 4 bucks here – best money ever sent. These are also amazing goodie bag stuffers (or stocking stuffers if you are already thinking about Christmas). At Amazon for $3.99.

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