After two weeks of traveling I can appreciate a bag like this, big but lightweight! The best part is that it can easily be a gym bag when you’re staying put at home. I have been restraining from mentioning that every other bag can work as a mommy bag but clearly this one would be perfect for that, as well. Is it super chic? No, but when you’re tired and making connections all over the world, a doubled leather lined fabulous duffel just seems like your most hated enemy. This is also super easy on your wallet so you won’t have to worry about trashing it. At Browns Fashion for $846.
Super easy on your wallet?? $846 for a nylon bag is not “easy on your wallet” as far as I’m concerned — I don’t care what your budget is.
I agree with Jessica. Try to remember that a lot of your readers do not have the fabulous disposable income that you have, nor do we receive bags as gifts either. I can’t afford to spend this kind of money on a gorgeous leather bag, much less on what amounts to nothing more than a nylon duffel like one could find for far less in a sporting goods store.