You look at this bag and think, OK, it’s a nice patent bag but nothing special. Then you open it up and it is the coolest thing ever! It opens up like a Murphy bed to reveal 4 interior pockets and a separate coin purse. The coin purse is there because you really can’t fit your wallet in it but it is a nice touch. It’s meant to function like a clutch but it has the top handle for easy carrying. The nude patent is really dreamy and the itty bitty stud details are like sprinkles on a cupcake. Just when bags I thought I’d seen it all, I love being surprised!! Please, keep me guessing, it makes doing this so much more fun than it already is. At Saks Fifth Avenue for $1895.
I do like the idea of a brief case style bag. Actually, I like the idea of brief cases making a come back!
But for the price, I’d rather buy a tried and true clutch!
It’s a nice bag. I love the idea of the vintage look, but it’s still modern. However, it’s just impractical. Clutches can and still be somewhat functional. I don’t know if my blackberry would fit in it.