Snob Essentials

American Yogini (+ Discount Code!)

I’m very good about exercising. I take a class (REV, boxing, definitions…) at the gym every morning 6 times a week and am almost always that person in the front of the room giving it 110%. At this point going to the gym is so much part of my daily routine that if I go more than a day without doing something, I feel sluggish. Despite being very consistent about my exercise routine, my diet, well, that’s another story! As anyone looking to shed a few extra lbs knows, it’s really about what you eat and only minimally about exercising (though you need to workout for tone and definition…). I can fluctuate up and down 5lbs from week to week just based on what I eat – no joke! I’m not into fatty foods, but man, i could EASILY eat 1/2 a pint of ice cream or a loaf of bread. I’m spending most of my weekends in the Hamptons these days and pre-4th of July I was not feeling bikini ready. After a few too many days indulging my sweet tooth to the point of excess I went on a 3-day American Yogini cleanse. Jump for more and a discount code! 

The cleanse comes in three levels – Full Spectrum which contains juices made sweet with a variety of fruits; All Green which contains juices made sweet with only apples or pears, and The Zero which has zero fruits. I did a day of each. Initially I was going to do all juices, but in the end I ended up noshing on some fruits and veggies throughout my 3-day cleanse. I’m a pretty active person and the amount of calories in these juices was not enough to satify me. I have to say though every one of the juices that American Yogini makes is delicious and if you’re trying to shed a few lbs or just looking to feel better after indulging in junk for a little too long, you will achieve your goal whether you only drink the juices or work in a few snacks as well. After-all 1500 calories of juices and healthy snacks is not the same thing as 1500 calories of chocolate and sandwiches.

My fave was the All Green cleanse (each cleanse has six juices), because it was in-between in terms of sweetness (too much sugar, even if it comes from fruit, makes me feel bloaty). I’m not one to suggest quick-fixes. I think it’s important to work on being healthy everyday, but I’m a big fan of this cleanse for a bit of “detox,” when a “slip” has occurred, Just remember to make it your own! There’s no reason you can’t eat some healthy snacks. Also heat some of the juices up and make a soup or freeze one to make a popsicle!

If you’re interested in trying this cleanse, type in the code “SNOB” and you’ll get 10% off through Labor Day. American Yogini is also a cleansing retreat if you’re looking for a relaxing escape. You can use that same code to get 10% off mid-week days through Labor Day. * * Mid-week days are Sunday – Thursday nights, and can be combined with a weekend for 10% off entire retreat stay.


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