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Push Cart with Trailer and Doll Stroller by Wolfgang Sirch And Christoph Bitzer


Ack, late on my stories today! I had a busy weekend with the kids and since 7am this morning, I have been non stop crazy! But I don’t have to explain, you know how it is =) But I have something really exceptional for you. It may not be something you want to, or can, invest in, but you have to see this and know that these exist! These beautifully crafted pieces by Wolfgang Sirch, who is an architect and Christoph Bitzer, a sculptor, are out of this world! Their collaboration is something for the museums but unlike a real museum piece, your tot can actually touch and play with these. I love the Max Push Car ($220) & Lorette Trailer ($220)by Wolfgang Sirch and Christoph Bitzer ($220), this is something your boys will love! And the Doll Stroller ($260) is so exceptional I can’t even begin to tell you how much I want this!! All pieces are made of ashwood or birch. If you are tired of throw away plastic toys, these are true investments that can be passed down to your grandchildren.

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