OK, both my girls have been scuffed up from trike, bike and just about everything with wheels. Yeah, I’m no exception, I know. I suppose when they get to a certain age you just have to let them. But I wish I had seen this when my girls were little and needed more support and protection. This Foam Saddle Scooter is so perfect. My first reaction is, they cannot fly over the handle bars, which was the latest scary accident. They can pretty much fall and the foam will cushion them. Sure you can still get hurt but you would have to try pretty hard. This is a great way for them to develop balance, coordination and motor skills without risking life and limb. And if you’re tempted by all the fun your tot is having, don’t worry, it supports up to 160 lbs so go ahead and take it for a spin. At Foam Saddle Scooter for $54.99.