Enfamil has just come out with formula in vanilla and chocolate flavors. This is meant for toddlers who have graduate from “milk” flavored formula and would normally begin drinking regular cow milk. Is this the way you really want to go when your tot begins his journey of eating? He has only experienced milk flavored formula so it’s not like he’s going to be like, “I’m tired of this flavor, can you switch it up for me?”. At this rate, by the time he’s 3, he will be eating his cereal with Coke and adding sugar to it. For lunch, it’ll be sandwiches made of donuts instead of bread and for dinner instead of spaghetti, he’ll put pasta sauce on red vines. Why would you do this to your tot? What’s most disturbing is that the chocolate flavor is sold out everywhere. Thanks for depressing me, I have to go eat some granola and carrots now.