The Fendi Mia Borsa Grande ($2,050) must be one of the hottest selling Fendi bags right now judging by how prominently I saw it on display at Bloomingdale’s last week. It’s an OK staple bag, that probably won’t ever hit the high notes of a baguette which will allow it to be worn for a few seasons without it looking dated. I was however surprised to see that the price was in the $2,000-range given how few details there are to this bag. The chain is nice and the pleating is OK; I could do without the big Fendi logo, but I understand that having their logo front and center is a big part of the bag’s appeal for many shoppers, so I forgive them for placing it there. Seriously though, this is never going to be a classic bag that you’ll be dying to hand down to your daughter and it’s not super hot and trendy like the wonderfully original Peek-a-Boo (which I love!), so why this price?? Lower it $1000, even $700 and it would be a good buy, but at this price I just don’t see it.