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Ahava Pure Spa Line

Earlier this month I got back from two weeks in Munich and Tel Aviv where my days were spent surrounded by a little too much chocolate and waaay too many pastries (in Munich delicious pastries and chocolate-covered marble cake scream out at you on every block!), so when I got back I thought it’s crunch time and decided to take back-to-back spin classes. To say I couldn’t bear the thought of moving afterward would be an understatement! The longest REV class up until then I had taken was 1.5 hours and that was while I was exercising regularly (I did not workout once during my trip which came less than a week after being in Nicaragua for 10 days where similarly I did little besides sit on my bum). Needless to say I needed some pampering post-workout. I rarely take baths, but decided to break with my norm and try out bath salts from Ahava. They’re HUGE in Israel. It’s the only cosmetics company indigenous to the Dead Sea region which is shrouded in skin-healing natural resources (people from all over the world come to bath in the water to help treat everything from eczema and rheumatoid arthritis, to cardiac disease and respiratory illnesses). Jump for more!

The Dead Sea has the world’s highest concentration of moisture-retaining minerals

suitable for skin-related treatments. Ahava’s Pure Spa Line is full of essential minerals, natural anti-oxidants, essential oils, and Algae (a unique plant indigenous to the region loaded with Beta-Carotene and vitamins for anti-aging benefits)…in other words perfect for treating common skin issues and muscle soar-ness. The Bath Salts ($19) are mandarin-cedarwood-scented and not only help relax tired, sore muscles, but they help moisturize skin and even strengthen nails. Not a total cure for my beat legs, but a relaxing start:-)

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