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Interview with Tim Martin, founder of iZO Cleanze

Even though I exercise on a regular basis and have a relatively healthy

diet (I’m not into greasy food and love fruits and veggies, but I have an unshakable addiction to

chocolate…and lots and lots of it…err!), and I don’t need to loose weight, I’ve been

dying to try a liquid cleanse for months. The weather has been so

cold and depressing in NYC I figured there was no better time than now to

shake things up and bring up my energy and mood with a cleanse. Stay tuned tomorrow for my take on the iZO Cleanze which is the one I ended-up going with and read on for my interview with iZO founder Tim Martin for his take on why iZO beats Blueprint, the benefits of cleansing, and how (if you must!), you can cheat:-)

* Why “cleanze” versus “cleanse”?
Just going with the whole ‘Z’ motif in iZO

* How many calories are in a day’s worth of your juice?
About 900.

* If you go with the pre-planned Signature Cleanze you get the same amount of liquid no matter gender, weight, lifestyle, etc. Is it possible that there is too much/too little? What are the drawbacks of not consuming all the juices?
Every BODY is different, and so we work with the person to sculpt the cleanze that fits their needs. Some people are too petite to get it all down in one day.

* Any cheat-sheet items if you feel like you’re close to breaking the cleanze? Cucumber, salad, soup, apple.

* Can you describe the difference between the benefits one can get from your Juice Cleanze and from your Superfood Cleanze?
The benefits are essentially the same. The experience on the Juice Feast is a bit more luxurious because there is no work or thought needed, whereas on the Superfood Cleanze you have to mix the powders in juice that you make or buy on your own.

* How long can the juices be out of the fridge? Is it safe to travel with them?
Not very long. They can last 2-3 days in the fridge. Yes, it is safe to travel with them in a cooler with ice packs.

* How can one expect the fast to effect mood? Energy level?

At first energy might drop and the mood might get a bit ornery, but once you get over the hump (usually Day 2 or 3), then your energy increases and your mood lifts tremendously.

* I’ve read that bloating can sometimes accompany juice cleanses. Is this true and if so do you have any preventative suggestions?

Often times psyllium causes bloating in other cleanses. IZO does not use psyllium. Bloating is minimized on the iZO Cleanze.

* I
‘ve read that people can go upwards of 40 days on your cleanze! What’s a good number of days to start for someone living an active, healthy lifestyle that has never cleansed before?

I’ve actually gone up to 100 days! I recommend a minimum of 5-7 days. The longer you go, the deeper the cleanze.

* What are some of the key things to remember after ending a cleanse? Any tips to maintain the results?

Eat healthy organic, Vegan food, and exercise regularly.

*Can you explain the difference between iZO and Blueprint?

The iZO Cleanze is THE premiere highest quality, top-shelf, gold standard, market leading, etc cleanse on the market. Blueprint is a mediocre second place. Why?

1. FRESH Delivery!: IZO delivers fresh juice and tea EVERY DAY! Blueprint delivers a minimum of 2 days at a time, often 3 days at a time, and that’s just not fresh juice!


Nutrient-dense SuperFoods: iZO uses 100% organic, vegan whole-food based superfoods to enhance our juices; Blueprint does not


Whole-food Nutritional Supplements: iZO provides 100% organic, vegan, whole-food based supplements including an herbal laxative, Blueprint does not


Powerful Taoist Herbal Cleansing Teas: iZO uses 4 freshly-brewed Taoist herbal teas, one for the liver, blood and lymph, one for the kidneys, one for the spleen, and one for the crown chakra; Blueprint does not.


Hyper-mineralized Alkaline Water- iZO uses Anu Water, Blueprint does not

Customizable: iZO has more options- the Foundation iZO Juice Feast is the only comparable product that Blueprint has, but their product does not have the laxative or superfoods. Beyond that, we have the signature level, plus the customizable special levels for heavy metal cleansing, sugar-free candida cleansing, power-player cleansing for athletes, sweet-tooth cleansing for those who are scared of the taste of greens, and Superfood cleansing


More affordable: iZO has the Superfood Cleanze product line which caters to the middle class, Blueprint does not-

8. Long-term cleansing:- you can go any amount of time on the iZO Cleanze up to 100 consecutive days, you cannot go long term with Blueprint


Expert-backed: iZO is backed by the world’s most prestigious experts in detox cleansing

10. Customer Service: iZO is 24/7 customer service and we’re very flexible with scheduling, whereas I’ve heard bad things about Blueprint’s customer service.


Premiere: The iZO Cleanze was born first (November 2006) while Blueprint came out in March 2007


Greener local delivery: comparing local juice delivery, iZO uses glass jars and reuses all of its delivery material daily, Blueprint does not in NYC.

13. Higher quality juice: now this could be called an opinion, but I’ve seen it for myself, and others that have done the Blueprint and iZO have commented quite objectively that iZO juices are more hearty and substantive and the Blueprint juices are rather thin.

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