Who knew that French Connection would be the one to come-out with a reasonably priced everyday bag? I’ve seen countless bags that look near-identical to the Stitch Handbag ($99.99) that Taylor Swift is carrying, but more often than not they’ll fall into the $400-$600 price range. This bag is well-priced (even though it’s made of pleather), and works just as well for someone Taylor’s age as it would for someone 40 years her senior. I don’t particularly like the color or the droopy flap pocket, but again — even though it’s not my personal style — who can argue with this price!?
What do you think of Taylor Swift’s French Connection bag? Snob or Slob?
It looks like a knockoff Coach bag. I find it very tacky.
Seriously??? The colour is faboosh; I love it! Teal is always threatening to be the “new neutral” because it goes so well with jeans and all basic colours, so I’m a big believer in it. As for that droopy pocket, I think it’s just a bad sample that they photographed. The bag looks great, a bit on the big side but T-Swizzle is super tall so she can handle the size.
The bag looks like something Banana Republic typically makes, and in leather.
I would never carry it (I love great leather bags), but this would be great for a vegan bag. I love the color.
Hate the colour. Besides, it looks too much like a YSL Muse-wannabe.
I saw this bag in Womens Health magazine and love it, but can’t seem to find it. Anyone know where to get this bag?