Freida Pinto is picture above wearing a bag from the new Chanel Coco Cocoon collection, which comes-out next month, and is featured in the Lily Allen Chanel ads (Allen is the face of the new Coco Cocoon handbag line). As a gym or beach bag I think the bag works, as an everyday bag not so much. The whole Coco Cocoon collection features reversible bags that are made of sporty-looking puffy leather. Timing wise the bag launch makes sense. We’re all looking to cut back and these bags offer a two-for-one deal. That said there’s little denying that while this collection may be Chanel’s attempt at being “progressive,” these bags look cheap — where’s the craftsmanship? This bag looks like it was made in 5 minutes by a robot! I’m laughing out loud already imagining women walking around in their puffy penguin coats come winter toting around this bag!
What do you think about this Chanel Coco Cocoon bag? Snob or Slob?