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Why Stripes Can be a Very Bad Thing


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Anna Faris and Jessica Simpson are both pictured above wearing the same Michael Kors red and black striped dress and wow — could it be more unflattering!? Full-on horizontal stripes should not be allowed on clingy dresses of this length. I know a lot has been made about Jessica Simpson’s weight, but even if she has put on a few lbs (and come on, we all slip sometimes!), she still has a great bod. Anna Faris similarly has an awesome figure and it just gets lost in this dress. I’ve always been somewhat stripe-averse unless they’re in moderation, on accessories, and, for the most part, black and white like the looks below. That said, vertical stripes can work wonders as can strategically placed and sized ones like those featured below! How about you? How do you wear your stripes?

Clockwise –

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