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Functionalab: Personalized Nutrition Program and More…


Have you been to Henri Bendel lately? If you haven’t you should! Not only is there an amazing sale going on (up to 60% off — shortly, Bendel’s will remove any trace of clothing in the store so that they can focus exclusively on accessories and beauty), but they’ve just introduced a new line focused on “Beauty Nutrition,” called Functionalab. The line is full of various supplements and tonics, and they’ve also got a personalized nutrition program. Everything in the line is made with the highest quality natural ingredients and is supported by scientific research. The premise is that we can’t get everything we need from outside treatments, we need to have things working from the inside. Ideally we would all get everything we need from food, but at least for me that’s proven impossible (ie I load-up on protein, poof! Up goes my cholesterol!). As hard as I try to get all my veggies, fruits, whole wheat, omegas, and everything else in I’ll find that one day I’ll be good about one thing and bad about another. I’ve tried taking One-a-Day for Women, but the pills are so big that they upset my stomach. Viactiv is too tasty — every time I pop one chewy I’m tempted to eat a whole box and Chinese herbal supplements, at least the ones I’ve tried, left an unpleasant taste in my mouth. Needless to say I was excited to get my personalized one-month vitamin diet supplement pack. Read more about it after the jump!

The timing is perfect because I’ve been working my behind off to shed — and keep off — those pesky 5lbs of winter weight. For the first time in my life I’ve been going to the gym on a regular basis and even though it’s no fun (though I’ve been trying to sync-up gym-time with when there’s something good on TV), I’m happy not to be constantly self-conscious about my weight. I went to Bendel’s and spoke with one of their on-staff Functionalab nutritionist to get a one-month personalized nutrition plan. What I love about this is that it’s all about your lifestyle NOW. You might have one nutrition plan this month and next month it could be something totally different because how you’re eating/exercising may change. Anyway, you answer a bunch of question about your lifestyle and your health and beauty goals (loose weight, lower cholesterol…),and via a computer program the nutritionist gives you a number 1 through 26 and that number corresponds to your four-week supplement solution.

I was assigned #1 (there is no better or worse with the numbers, though I was happy to learn that the nutritionist who was doing my one-on-one consultation was #1 as well!). The kit comes with 4 supplements to take during the day and 4 to take at night — not so easy! I’ve been doing it for about a week and while I can handle it for now, taking 8 supplements a day is definitely not something I can keep-up long term. That said, the supplements glide down easily and after finishing my four-week run I will transition over to one of their multi-vitamins (they’ve got ones to target everything from immune system, to stress, to pregnancy). Also the Functionalab Tonics are very potent. I tried the Energy Tonic (basically the size of a shot) and I was seriously wired all day!! And this coming from a coffee drinker!

To find-out more about the different options offered check-out the Functionalab website.

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