I love Givenchy but even if you are a bank robber or if you just found a bag of money, this would still be a bad buy. This camera case encased in glass crystals is cute and kind of cool, it would be really fab if it were $200 (but as a camera case would still be steep). It is 5″ x 8″ which is too big for your average compact camera so this must be meant as a clutch of some sort, which only make the even more useless. The zipper goes all the way around the top and off the sides making it like a man bag, adding to the drawbacks. I am certain this was conceived during better economic times when success was measured by excess but now it’s all about being savvy. If you found this at a thrift store for $10, you would be bragging to all your friends. “Showing off” is now all about how little you’ve spent to still be chic. Which is kind of exciting and challenging because it isn’t really interesting just walking into the most expensive boutiques and throwing down a wad of cash to look good. If you bought this, you would almost be embarrassed to disclose the price, which is $3620, which I am still having a hard time digesting. At Barneys New York.
ABSURD PRICE – and not even cute.
Absolutely shocked.
I’m so shocked I don’t know what else to say but shocked.
Kelly, You are so on target regarding this item! Most people I know travel with a compact camera nowdays and the average camera case is under $15-20 in best buys. The price of this is beyond ridiculous! I would be surprised if they sell one.
I smell a markdown. To about 90% off retail before it sells.
even @ 90% off it’d still be $392.00, smells like a cheap deal on a “bag” with cheap plastic “crystals”.
They are crazy…that’s half my Lindy fund, for what?, a camera case? NO WAY!!!
I totally agree wirh you – this is just a meaningless mess.
this is insane! what? who would buy this?
I am appalled that Givenchy would even have the nerve to ask more the $3500 for the cheapest piece of ugly I have ever seen!!!
It looks cheap and tacky, not to mention juvenile. It can pass for a dollar store-buy.
absolutely hideous bag and ghastly price to match!
But help help i just bought me one of those digital SLRs which are huge and will need a padded bag to bring it around with me (plus lenses and all). The only bags i’ve found so far all scream utilitarian, black, boring and totally man. Any other suggestions apart from jill.e which I found online? Thanks much!
I’ll buy it if I’ll only be a tasteless daughter of billionaire =)
What?! $3620 for a camera case?! No way. I’d carry the camera by it’s own case, thanks.
well the fact we are all discussing the extraordinary price tag is half the case won… brands seek this attn and givenchy has done a smart thing by making this camera case. everyone on blogs its being discussed.
and if we look at the practical side of everything even an LV is not work anything.. its just leather!
fashion is the buzz the buzz and lots of wackos with money to burn.
That’s a nice post.