Snob Essentials

Violet May Phone Wallet


What are the two things we can’t live without? Credit card and smart phone, of course! This fabulously chic phone wallet from Violet May accommodates both with this silver python print design. It holds everything so you pretty much can just take this and head out the door. It fits the iphone, Blackberry or Google G1. Now that I can get emails on my phone, I really don’t need to sit in front of my desk anymore. Which is why I am off to the gym and nail salon! Is it Friday yet or what? At Violet May for $331.50, also comes in gold python or the plain lambskin, which is on sale for $148.75, but the metallic is so much nicer!



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  1. brilliant! there are so many times i run out with just my wallet and phone, and it’s awkward to hang on to both. great idea!

  2. P,

    I think the Silver and Gold are Python. The ‘snakeskin’ options are leather-stamped. Then there are the lambskin versions.

  3. are we NOT supposed to keep our credit cards together with our handphones? would the magnetic strip on the credit cards go a bit haywire if we keep them together with our handphone?

    if that is just a myth then cant wait to get my hands on one of them!

  4. I agree this is just a pocket but this pocket is extra deep so when you put the phone in there it doesn’t bulge out the entire wallet. There are no regular wallets that will hold a phone and still close properly. There is definitely something special about this wallet, it is specially designed!

  5. Just the thing I have been waiting for. And they ship internationally too from the UK, minus the 15% VAT! I am ordering mine today!