Win a Bag Snob bag hook AND a Bag Snob tee shirt if you can name the designer of this super luxury line.
You probably are more familiar with his clutch collection but I am telling you, there is an extensive line of ultra edgy and amazingly well made bags of exotic skins and luxe leather. There is also a jewelry line that Tina and I literally drooled over. They keep it in a real bank vault in the basement! The quality of this line is un-matched, well, maybe Hermes is a tad more meticulous and anal but not by much. We will show you more from the collection soon, along with an interview with the handsome designer.
Put your answer in comments by Sunday Feb. 22nd at 11:59pm EST. I will select one winner through a random drawing from all the correct answers. One entry per person please. And make sure you leave a working email so we can contact you when you win.