Snob Essentials

Givenchy Melan: Snob or Slob

givenchymelan.jpgI don’t know what to make of Givenchy‘s Melan Bag. It’s at once interesting and bizarre. Rambo-esque bullet chain with a Mondrian-ish shaped bag tossed together with large links even and chains. Though strange looking, I am not repulsed by it. The color is great and the brushed goldtone hardware shows up beautifully against it. I just think it got too ambitious in the design room and didn’t know what it wanted to be when it grew up. Its one redeeming quality is that the strap is removable (thank goodness!) and then you just have an origami style (and very large clutch) $1,775 at

What do you guys think? Snob or Slob?



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  1. Without the bullet chain I would have definitely said “snob”… the shape is very interesting and the color is nice. With it, however, it’s just a little too weird.

  2. Close up the leather looks like is was chosen for family room sofa by an interior designer for a show home. Neutral color, light texture for some minor interest, and visible good stitching to prove its value. Slob.

  3. btw… have you guys thought about updating the spam filter you use for having users enter a letter? I’m not sure how much spam you get since you review comments I believe before letting them be seen, but it seems to be that it would be pretty easy for someone to write an automated script to parse the line “Please enter the letter “?” in the field below”.

    I’m not sure what framework the blog is on but I’m sure there’s plenty of captcha-esque solutions that will do the trick (as mush as I know we all hate captcha)

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  5. I kind of love it. It’s a lot to love, but I do. And just think you could take the chain off and have a super cool necklace… especially since statement jewelry is such a big trend right now.