Snob Essentials

Fit Snob: Give it a 10!

fitdiva10.jpgSo many us can’t dedicate a continuous 30 minutes for a workout 4-5 times a week.  That’s ok because if you can dedicate three ten minute workouts in your day you are getting the same benefits.  It’s all about how many calories did you burn at the end of the day.  So, if you did it altogether or spread it out, it doesn’t matter.  Here are some suggestions:


  • Set your alarm ten minutes earlier than normal (sounds better than 30 minutes doesn’t it?). Get up and run your stairs, jump rope even if you don’t own one, or jog in place while you watch the early morning news.
  • During lunch time get up and take a brisk walk around or through your office building or put the kids in the stroller and head for a nice walk to the park.
  • At night take ten minutes and do some lunges, sit ups, squats, push ups, etc.


Our lives are busy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get our workouts in.  We need it for our health and sanity.  So find those ten minutes in your day to do something quick.  Your body will thank you for it.


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