OMG!! I am so excited I found this!! I have very fine, limp hair that I tease to DEATH whenever I go out for a night of glamor- only to still end up with a deflated do at the end of the night! That was before I found CIBU’s PHO Finish ~crush~! This “workable finishing spray” works absolute miracles when sprayed close to the roots for achieving volume. I sprayed it around and under the areas that I tease, and then teased away! I couldn’t believe what great results I got 🙂 Yay!! I used to use hairspray to achieve my volume, but, hairspray (now a thing of the past!) makes your hair dry and stiff and as soon as you start teasing it- you comb it right out. I adore the tacky, dry texture of this product and it won’t dry your hair like hairspray does! For those of you who don’t have a volume problem, use PHO Finish before you straighten- or before blow drying to maintain the shape you want as you dry. Also, since it’s made from Bamboo extract, lotus flower and water lily- your hair will be botanically healthy and you will be a happy little snob!
- only $14 for a 10oz bottle!