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Did You Know That Pansies Smile?

The reason I chose these earrings is because they are modeled after pansies, one of my mama’s favorite flowers. (If you haven’t noticed, I greatly appreciate and admire my mother. She always makes lemons into lemonade and she loves to show people her can-can. No really, she does the can-can every chance she gets. Besides, we share the same birthday.) Pansies are funny flowers because they nod their heads when it rains or when it’s dark outside. When the sun comes out they perk up and almost seem to smile at you. I love these earrings by Jane A. Gordon because I can imagine reaching for them on days when I needed a little pick me up, something that would make me smile. I hope they do the same for you. Jane A. Gordon Pansy Earrings, $2600.00,

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