A recent study from Pennsylvania State University’s College of Medicine found honey worked best to soothe a night-time cough. This alternative remedy comes as a relief to many parents (me included) who in light of the recent cough and cold medicine overdose scare have stopped giving any kind of cough suppressant to sick children. I never loved *drugging* my kids before bedtime, but I would do anything to make them sleep better when sick. It’s not easy to hear your little one coughing all night long. Trying to give the medicine was a nightmare. It turned into a scene from WWF as the flavored cough syrups don’t taste great either. I guarantee you won’t have to force feed your child a spoonful of honey and they will sleep better too. Maybe Mary Poppins had it right from the start. A spoonful of sugar not only makes the medicine go down, but it is the medicine.
Do you have any home remedies for coughs and colds? Please leave your solutions in the comments section.
Honey is still not recommended for children under the age of one. Read the full article here.