I never use diaper bags so I am always looking for regular bags that are appropriate and adorable. Look at this tote from Sissi Rossi, perfect for the Bag Snob Mommy with the totally fitting safety pin detail!! It is big enough for everything and has the helpful and handy outside zipper for phone, keys and other hard to find items. The handle is also long enough to go under the arm comfortably which is of utmost importance for mommies. It is also reinforced so it won’t dig into your shoulder (it doesn’t matter how hard we try, mommy bags always weigh a ton!!!). It is nappa leather so the bag itself is pretty light and I love the soft texture, everything that goes near my babies have to be soft and cushiony!! This easy to wear tote is a no brainer, it will go with everything so one less thing to think about before he rush out the door. At Barneys for $545.