Snob Essentials

Ayazakura Spiritual Jewelry: A Rare Find


A few weeks ago I had the honor of escorting one of my dear friends, Kate Hall, to an event entitled “Girl’s Night Out”. Now Kate is not only absolutely fabu, (as my mother would say) but she also is an intern at Stanly Korshak, Pink Memo, and D Magazine. So when she asked me if I would be so kind as to be her date to an event with an open bar, I of course said yes. Normally, Kate and I go to parties for the Fashionistas or to fantastic cocktail parties at LFT together so I was really excited and dressed to impress. Boy was I out of luck. This was honestly one of the most bizzare experiences of my life (which is saying a lot since I’m from Alabama). The event was held in a warehouse on the fairgrounds and there were women from out of the wood-work there guzzling down cheap liquor. Kate and I could hardly keep our jaws from dropping. We sucked it up and decided to at least get our free gift bag and a drink while we toured the cheap collection of fake handbags and sparkle mess. Suddenly, as we were about to leave, we caught glimpse of these beautiful pieces of jewelry from Ayazakura spiritual jewelry. The gold was so intricately wrapped around each exotic stone. Some pieces were very delicate with huge stones and others were interwoven with fantastic brightly colored stones and very modern. This booth was a rare find for me that night and well worth the experience. Ayazakura spiritual jewerly, prices range from $25 to $200.



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1 comment

  1. Wow! I just recently made a necklace like the one at the top right to match some earrings I bought. I thought I was really original but it looks exactly like that one (but different colors) :(.