Yes, this is in fact a Dior bag and not a Isabella Fiore. This would actually be a decent bag for Isabella Fiore and although that may be a compliment to Isabella Fiore because her bags are usually such an affront to my senses, it is certainly a burn for Dior. The whip stitching is never a good idea for anything other than saddle bags and to make matters worse, the bag is not even leather, it’s Dior jacquard canvas. Totally disgusting!! They are trying to make this whole thing cute with that heart tag but if they are going for cute then MAKE A CUTE BAG!!! This bag is even worse in person if you can imagine. The heavy whip stitching causes the canvas to pucker, you can even see it in this professional studio picture shot to give the best possible view of the product. The entire thing is a big ‘ole mess. And I will reiterate, the canvas combination with the cowboy inspired design is beyond gross!! A total waste of money at $1150, available at Saks.
You sure said it right. That bag is not worth the price. I think I can do a better job with my own hands and I never went to fashion school!
wow that is awful.
I have never really cared for Dior handbags except for the vintage clutches found on ebay–and even those dont compel me to buy them. You said it right–this horrible night mare of a bag–YUCK!
the fact that that sells for any more that $50 is a crime.
Preach on Sister! For once someone is telling it like it is!
I am plus my bags
Blog is very good, bags is my passion!!
when you’re right, you’re right. i am offended, dior!