I don’t know who is copying who but these bags are identical. OK, so they aren’t twins but they certainly are close resembling siblings but to me they are the same because they both serve the same purpose (that purpose being to sit on the store shelf and stay there). But if I had to pick between the two I would pick the Choo. The Marc Jacobs bag has those weird tab hardware on the sides making it look like the bag needs reinforcement because it is about to explode at the seams. Just doesn’t make any sense and definitely is not a good looking feature. I like that the Jimmy Choo has a bit of bad ass in it with the thick straps and chunky hardware but is still chic and easy to wear with most things. Marc Jacobs Sofi at Saks for $995 and Jimmy Choo Mahala $1895.
Actually I don´t like either of them.The Choo bag has all too many golden buttons or whatever they are called.Both of them are too small to my liking and there just isn´t anything NEW in them.Certainly a bag like this would pass my selective eye any day.Why does every single bag designer have to create-what a funny thing to say-so very many bags etc. all the time.Less would be much better.
I think you should have put a ‘neither’ option for the poll. Just a thought.
Kelly, you crack me up. I agree though, they both need to stay on the shelf and gather dust.
They both have too much hardware for my taste, but I like the Marc bag best–it’s a bit more subtle. But I do like the shape of the Choo one. Hmmm…oh well, it’s not like I can afford either one.
I just love the way you write your articles! They are so funny to read! It totally makes my morning!
The Jimmmy Choo has been out for a while now, MJ definitely the one copying and did not even do that great of a job.
Definitely agree with you. The Marc Jacobs looks oldish somehow. The two zippers on the Jimmy Choo add just the touch that makes it more hip.
The JC is preferable to the MJ, but neither has anything fresh to offer…..
Neither bags. In the picture both look cheap
lindsay lohan wears it when she got caught